From Caterpillar to Mariposa
Each spring at Wilmington Bilingual Preschool we incorporate science into our curriculum and learn about the life cycle of a butterfly (la mariposa) in Spanish. Each class receives a cup of caterpillars and butterfly habitat and enjoy observing and discussing the changes each day with their teachers.
It is amazing how fast they grow!
Although our school was closed for COVID this spring, we continued our studies online. We wouldn’t miss our butterfly project for the world! Our Pre-K 2 teacher, Maestra Patty and also
Directora Ayodele raised butterflies from home and let the children follow their progress via videos and photos in our WBPS Families Private Facebook group.
Maestra Patty’s butterflies emerged first. All five of hers survived and were released into freedom after a few days of observation.
Although we could not be together physically this year, we hope that our students enjoyed this virtual journey into the life cycle of a butterfly!

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